
Saturday, 18 April 2009

The ultimate sacrifice

We're supposed to abstain from dairy products, spicy, oily and/or fried food for a month to take care of our voices.


So yeah, sorry for the long hiatus. It's just that ever since JC started I didn't seem to have the mood to blog. It's like, life is pretty much stale now, with shambling through every week just to get the brief respite of the weekend which disappears just like *poof* that. The only things I look forward to are art lessons and choir.

The company I get in art and choir are awesome. Friendly bunch of people who are fun and can get high. Same goes for the other cliques that I have become a part of (I love you Hariz and Hafiz). My class is pretty fine but it just isn't what I'd call fun to be around (sometimes).

Also, lectures in JC are way more boring than in TK. I don't know why, they just are.

But whining isn't gonna solve the problem soooooooooooooooo...

I'll just live with it.

P.S. I think being in VJ would've been way awesomer.

Your favourite beatboxing ambigrammist,

Posted by Az at 6:03 pm


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