
Sunday, 19 September 2010

Waking up

I'm sorry, I just felt so good that I had to post about it.

I got up at around 7.30 (I feel best when I wake up before 9) and while walking to the bathroom I suddenly said to myself, "Mmm. Awesome."

Which of course set the mood.

Then I attempted something I've never done before. With my iPhone in a safe, dry corner of the bathroom, I played some pretty cheery orchestral pieces by Shiro Sagisu from the movie Evangelion: You Can (Not) Advance and proceeded to have a shower.

So imagine this. You're already feeling rather upbeat and then you have a warm to cold shower while listening to this.

And songs of the like. I don't know about you, but it made me feel pretty awesome.

And then of course brushing your teeth with epic battle music is always an idea that makes you feel important to the fate of the world.

Yup. Gonna do this more often.


Posted by Az at 8:01 am


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